Monday, September 1, 2008

Little Dividends

I was hanging out in the city with some out-of-town friends and stepped back to take a picture of the group. As I framed the picture a car full of girls go driving by and in chorus yell "Cute!" I looked around to see who they were cat calling and one of my friends said "They mean you." I was flattered, in a random drive by flattering kind of way. It's funny when you start improving your body and you're the last to realize that your image will improve also. You have a mental picture of yourself and what you look like and even though you realize on some cerebral level that you're getting fitter you don't consider the social change until someone mentions it. Several of my friends have commented that they notice my arms are a little more cut. I don't see much of a difference but if they're noticing that's a great sign. The P90 Challenge highly recommends blogging and sharing you're stats with as many people as possible. I now understand that this is becuse their comments and feedback are part of the reward.

So make sure to comment ;-).

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