Saturday, December 6, 2008

P90 Extreme, Lets go!

So I started P90x last Monday. And here's the first evidence of the time commitment. Didn't have time to blog about it untill now. But before I digress here are my starting stats.

Here are my starting measurements:

Body Fat% 13.7 (Using Caliper)
Weight: 151 Lbs
Hips: 32 1/2"
Right Thigh: 20 1/2"
Left Thigh: 20 1/2"
Right Arm: 12 3/8"
Left Arm: 12 3/8"

Here are the results of my initial fit test:

Resting Heart Rate: 59 bps
Pull-Ups: 3 (I really suck at Pull-Ups and this is something that P90 misses)
Toe Touch: 0" (Yup I can touch my toes ... barely)
Wall Squat: 3:30
Bicep Curls: 15 at 22.5lbs
Abs: In & Outs: 40

I'm a smidge flabbier than I was after finishing the P90 program. I learned an important lesson about reaching your goal: Always have another one to take it's place. Otherwise it's really hard to resist that extra helping around thanks giving.

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