Tuesday, March 31, 2009

P90x Day 90 Checkin

Finally posting my results for day 90. It's been at least a month since these pictures were taken.

My dimensions remained pretty much the same from the 60 day check.

Weight: 148.2 lbs
Body Fat: 11.5%
Lt Arm 12.5"
Rt Arm 12.5"
Chest: 38"
Waist: 31"
Hips: 31"
Lt Leg: 20.5"
Rt Leg: 20.5"

I'll have another post in a couple of days discussing things I've learned from my P90x experience and things I will be trying differently next time through.


Prophet said...

Damn, dude! Looking good. Your back looks awesome!

I started using a weight vest yesterday so pop on over and check out my impressions on it..

Anonymous said...

How about an update?

Hi99ins said...

Well I'm gearing up for round 2. I've definitely been procrastinating on this but now I'm putting my foot down. Round 2 will be starting next Monday May 18th. In terms of maintenance I haven't been keeping up with the weight training as much as I should. Although I haven't turned become a couch potato either. I've been experimenting diet plan, more in my next post, and doing lots of cardio. I'm an avid cyclist and have been doing a lot of riding, about 120 mi a week, since the weather got better.